Yufei Homepage

Welcome to my homepage!

My name is Yufei Wu, and I’m a PhD student working at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion and RWTH Aachen University.

A data-driven personal website

This website is powered by the academicpages template and hosted on GitHub pages. The template was forked from the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll Theme and then extended to support the kinds of content that academics have.

Like many other Jekyll-based GitHub Pages templates, academicpages makes you separate the website’s content from its form. The content & metadata of your website are in structured markdown files, while various other files constitute the theme, specifying how to transform that content & metadata into HTML pages. You keep these various markdown (.md), YAML (.yml), HTML, and CSS files in a public GitHub repository. Each time you commit and push an update to the repository, the GitHub pages service creates static HTML pages based on these files, which are hosted on GitHub’s servers free of charge.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me by email!